Defined Controls


Defined controls are controls whose functionality has largely been pre-defined. They are ready to use as soon as they are added to a component.

Date Range Selector

The Date Range Selector control is a Dropdown Box control with pre-defined date ranges that can be used to populate controls containing a Start Date and End Date.

Delete Record

Deletes a record in a component that has been bound to one or more tables.


Displays a customizable alphanumeric keypad for enterning number and character values.


Inserts an 'Editor' for capturing an image using the Camera. IMPORTANT: This control MUST be inserted inside an Editor-Set control.


Inserts an Editor for editing a value in a date control using SpinList controls for the day/month/year values. IMPORTANT: This control MUST be inserted inside an Editor-Set control.


Inserts an Editor for editing a date/time value using Spin List controls.


Inserts an 'Editor' for capturing 'ink'. IMPORTANT: This control MUST be inserted inside an Editor-Set control.


Inserts an Editor for editing a value using a List control. IMPORTANT: This control MUST be inserted inside an Editor-Set control. NOTE: The properties of the List used in the editor can be configured by a genie in the FormView builder.


Displays a numeric keypad for entering number values.

Editor - SignatureInk

Predefined editor for capturing signatures as Ink data


Inserts an Editor for editing a value using a TextArea control. The TextArea has vertical scrollers for scrolling long text strings.


Inserts an Editor for editing a value using a TextBox control. IMPORTANT: This control MUST be inserted inside an Editor-Set control.


Inserts an Editor for editing a value ina time control using Spin List controls for the hour, minute, and AM/PM values.

JS Command Window

Inserts a text area where you can enter Javascript commands to test. Useful for developers to help debug.

List columns show/hide

A control that can be used to change the columns shown in a List control.

List data explode

Inserts a button for displaying all the data in a list, including any nested array data.

List Menu

A customizable menu that renders as a list of choices.

List-Debugging info

Inserts a static text control that shows debugging information for a List control (such as page number, count, sort, filter).

List-Detail View-Buttons

Add buttons for the List Detail View - a genie will allow you to select Save, Undo, Synchronize, et. buttons.

List-Navigation Buttons

Inserts four page navigation buttons (First, Previous, Next, Last) for a List control. Button style is icon followed by text.

List-Navigation Icons

Inserts four page navigation buttons (First, Previous, Next, Last) for a List control. Button style is icon only.

List-Page number

Inserts a static text control that shows the current page number and page count for a paginated List control.

List-Page selector

Inserts a dropdownbox control that allows you to select a target page number for a paginated List control.

List-Record count

Inserts a static text control that shows the number of records in a List control.

List-Search Part-Buttons

Add buttons for the List Search Part.


Displays a Dropdown box that allows you to select the active layout for a List control.


The Login-Logout defined control adds a Login button and Logout button to the UX component and a placeholder control to display login errors. These buttons can only be used if the UX component's Has integrated login functionality is enabled.

New Record Button

Sets all controls on the UX component back to their original values and starts entering a new record.

Record Navigation Button

Inserts four record navigation buttons (First, Previous, Next, Last) for a Data Bound UX component. Button style is icon followed by text.

Record Navigation Icons

Inserts four record navigation buttons (First, Previous, Next, Last) for a Data Bound UX component. Button style is icon only.

Row Number

A control for Repeating Sections to display the row number of the current row.

SQL Trace Log Control

Displays SQL Trace log information in a UX Component.


A pair of buttons for submitting data to the server and resetting modified controls back to their original values.

Update Source Grid

A pair of buttons for saving changes to the source component and resetting modified controls back to their original values. Used with the "Open UX Component as an alternate editing view for current record" Action Javascript.

UX-Local Storage Management

Add a control to allow users to manage Local Storage.